Friday, December 19, 2008
I thought by doing this I kept your promise. But surprisingly I was wrong, a bit selfish as well. I was deeply involved in avoiding loneliness only, And never thought the one whom I adored, May not be lacking the essence of loneliness. May be, she felt bad knowing that I had an affair With a strange creature called "loneliness".
Now I doubt, after she said 'no', if I can keep your promise. Forgive me for; I was unable to find someone good. And now your hatred, loneliness, is my companion. It's impossible but because of earthly matters, I may tend to forget you, but my soft corner will never. Though miraculously impossible in reality, But, do visit in my dreams regularly.
All Rights Reserved: Roshan Upadhyay
कुछ कही - कुछ अनकही
ऐसा लगता है, तुम्हारे होठों की नमी मेरे होठों को छेड़ रही है |
तुम मेरे पास होती हो तो तुम्हारे होंठ कांपने लगते है,
ऐसा लगता है, जैसे एक अनकही सी हवा मेरे कानों को छु रही है|
तुम सांस लेती हो तो तुम्हारी हर सांस,
मेरे दिल को धडकनों से भर देती है|
तुम मुझे चोरी-चोरी देखकर चुपके-चुपके मुस्कुराती हो तो,
तुम्हारी मृदु मुस्कान मेरे अंतरतम को गहराई से छु जाती है|
तुम जिस रास्ते से होकर हर रोज चलती हो,
उस रास्ते से होकर मेरी आहट तुम्हारे पास आती है|
तुम जिस रास्ते पे चलकर मुझसे दूर जाती हो,
उस रास्ते से होकर तुम्हारी खुशबू मेरे पास आती है|
तुम्हारी मासूम चेहरे पर गहरी काली पलकें झपकती हैं तो,
मेरे दिल के हर स्पंदन में तुम्हारी मासूमियत कैद हो जाती है|
तुम्हारी काली जुल्फों में जब मेरी निगाहें गूम हो जाती है तो,
मेरी धड़कन, मेरी निगाहों का पता पूछने के लिए, तुम्हारे धड़कन के पास चली जाती है|
All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Untitled - Why?
I have a soft corner, which is hard but not so dry,
I like people with personality but I never pry,
I have feathers of thought but I can't fly,
I have tears in my eyes but I can't cry,
I have guts deep within but I can't try,
Can anyone make me understand Why? Why? Why?
This may be the reason I titled this poem untitled-why?
(To all those who want to know Me & my inner conscience)
All Rights Reserved: Roshan Upadhyay
Monday, December 15, 2008
Maps for Lost Lovers

From the Blurb:
In an unnamed English town Jugnu and his lover Chanda have disappeared. Rumours abound in the close-knit Pakistani community, and then on a snow-covered January morning Chanda's brothers are arrested for murder. Telling the story of the next twelve months, Maps for Lost Lovers opens the heart of a family at the crossroads of culture, community, nationality and religion, and expresses their pain in a language that is arrestingly poetic.
A Paragraph from Page 11:
A child in a house full of lonely migrant workers, she was the focus of everyone’s tenderness. It was a time in England (AROUND 1950’s in the story) when the white attitude towards the dark-skinned foreigners was just beginning to go from I don’t want to see them or work next to them to I don’t mind working next to them if I’m forced to, as long as I don’t have to speak to them, an attitude that would change again within the next ten years to I don’t mind speaking to them when I have to in the work place, as long as I don’t have to talk to them outside the working hours, and then in another ten years to I don’t mind them socializing in the same place as me if they must, as long as I don’t have to live next to them.
A riddle from the book, page 16:
"Twelve or so princess deep in conversation in their palace, huddled in a circle."
Whats the answer???? Keep visiting my blog, I will post the answer in couple of weeks.
[Longlisted for THE Man BOOKER PRIZE 2004, and winner of the 2005 Kiriyama Prize]
[Will cost you 360 Nepali Rupees, if you can bargain, may be lesser...]
Silly Questions
Ans: A keyboard without the keys Ctrl, Alt and Del.
?.. What is Cyber phobia ( or Logizomechanophobia)?
Ans: Fear of computers or working on a computer.
?.. What is the fear of long words called?
?.. Name a site containing useful information.
?.. If "Pen is mightier than sword", what is mightier than Pen?
Ans: A Keyboard.
Monday, December 8, 2008
कस - म - कस
ये मुझे नहीं मालूम|
वह मुझे चाहती भी है या नही,
ये भी मुझे नहीं मालूम|
कभी लगता है मैं पहल करुँ,
कभी लगता है वह पहल करें|
इस "तुम पहले तुम" के होड़ में,
कही देर न हो जाए.
कही प्यार हमसे,
रूठ न जाए.
कोई और तुम्हे कही,
चुरा ले न जाए.
और मेरा दिल रास्ते की तरह,
देखता न रह जाए.
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
God Never Realized
But never knew the moments I shared with you will remain.
God took you away from me,
But never realized your soul was a part of mine.
How can I forget the warmth of the air which you breathed last;
How can I forget the moist of your lips when you kissed me last;
How can I forget the grip of your fingers when you hold me last;
How can I forget the dreams in your eyes when you closed your eyelids at the last;
How can I forget the possessed moments of our life and make them my past;
God took you away from me,
But never thought you can defy his will.
God took you away from me,
But never realized you can still visit me in my dreams.
(I always say to her "तिमी आउदै गर्नु")
(C) All Rights Reserved: Roshan Upadhyay
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
आखों में आंसू
धुल को कोस् रही हो क्यो?
थोडी सी नाराजगी से हारना ही था तो,
इस्क किया ही क्यों ?
All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
मरीची - The Illusion
Neural Net Expert Proposing
Disclaimer: Beware!!, This post contains weird style of expressing LOVE, and has a high probability of being commented as a CRAP!!
Its high time around the month of February, and many people planning to propose their beloved ones. One of my friend who is an expert in Neural Networks (specialization area in Artificial Intelligence), has sent an email to a girl (who is a Banker) formally proposing her, on this valentine’s day. He is expecting a positive reply when he faces her on “14th February 2009″.
Here is what he wrote:
My dear Beloved (please don’t be surprised if I use this word),
Whenever you come in front of me the threshold logic unit (TLU), up here, starts feeling the impulse. The impulse always reaches to hit the cardiac area. The way you look at me induces impulse at the “nodes of ranvier“. Whenever you touch me the axons transmit love impulses in the form of action-potentials. This signal goes all over my body and your soft words acts as neurotransmitter and travel around again to target the synaptic cleft of the neurons in the cardiac area. When these post synaptic potential integrates, then the effects of these integrated signal potential cause the overall love impulse to exceed a limiting potential. And the activation of my desire tend to fire the essence of love in every cells of my body.
My cells always starts to fire the love music whenever I talk with you, whenever I see you or the moment I think of you. Right now also the action potential is increasing but if you promise to control your threshold logic unit (TLU), I can try to activate my pulses and confess something in front of you.
Dear, I feel like you are the one with whom I can share the heat of the love potential. I am confident your threshold is the same as mine. The need is to activate the impulse to exceed the threshold. Dear, there are basically two values for the love impulse carried by real neurons. 1 - is for the love potential and 0 - is for the resting potential. Can’t we reduce the ambiguity and make a synchronization of our love-potential to a single value?
I formally propose you, let us synchronize the value of our love potential to a digital 1. I am sure you will find a sigma, which will determine the sigmoid of your love impulse so that you can flatter your love curve to match mine. I love you…
See you on 14th Feb… Hugs and Kisses….
Lets see what happens, on 14th Feb. I am curious to know. As soon as I know from my friend I will share to all of you. I guess the Banker will have tough time reading this proposal, and checking out her accounts before she agrees (hope she does!!)
A word of caution for this Valentine’s Day:
Don’t get influenced by this write up. Keep your proposal “speech” as simple as you can.
(C) All Rights Reserved: Roshan Upadhyay
When I Got Engaged With........
When it comes to discuss the first night it is really difficult. The first night was interesting. I was excited and a bit nervous too, as this was my first experience. I was very careful whenever I approached her. There was a sense of delicacy whenever I touched her. But because of her personal problems or may be, because of lack of synchronization between us she paid no interest in me. I tried to convince her but all in vain. I felt bad and a bit frustrated too. It was a nightmare for me and the whole night I was unable to sleep. It is sure that I was not impressed by this incident and the very next day I sent her to her parents house because I thought she need a bit of time to adjust to this relation. The whole day I was sad remembering her. To my surprise she returned the same evening. I am sure this was the result of her fathers counseling. I was happy to see her so soon and she satisfied my desire to my expectations. I can't describe how it felt and I really didn't knew when it was 4 O'clock in the morning. That day I experienced what satisfaction really is, as I felt it from my deep within.
From then onwards she is my true friend and a company when I feel alone. Before we got engaged many close friends of mine said to me that I am silly and getting infatuated with her. But now I am quit sure this was not infatuation. This is what I can define as a real love. Because now I am fully satisfied with her. And the key to the satisfaction is that one must take care of someone to get the best support. She is the one with whom I share my secrets, she is the one who manages all my works, she is the one who entertains me, she is the one who pumped in a whole lot of confidence inside me and she is the one whom I love the most. You must be wandering who she is? She is actually from Kathmandu, with her qualifications taken from Intel College of Sciences, Quantum Institutes of Electronics, Hong Kong based Tiga University and many more associated degrees from all over the world. But with all these special tags she is a pure Nepali because she got the real Nepali touch when it came to the working environment. She is actually my first wife and I love her very much. I love my first wife, I love My Computer.
1. The problem of the first night was the lack of synchronization between the motherboard and the monitor.
2. I was doing nothing but playing games till 4 O'clock in the morning.
3. Please do not go and search for those institutes, colleges and the universities to get a degree. I doubt if they exist and if they exist please inform me about them.
(This write up was published in the Annual College Magazine "The Net" - 2002, of Gandaki College of Sciences, Lamachaur, Pokhara, Nepal)
(C) All Rights Reserved: Roshan Upadhyay
Monday, December 1, 2008
शायद (Perhaps-Part VI)
बिजली चली गयी थी शायद।
चाँद का भी दिखना मुस्किल था,
बादलों का अम्बार लगा था शायद।
पता नहीं क्यों मैं आसमान की ओर ही देख रहा था,
मेरी निगाहे कुछ ढूँढ रही थी शायद।
एक पल ऐसा लगा बादलों के पीछे कोई छिपा है,
पर वोह तो कोई तारे का टिमटिमाना था शायद।
तारा दिखा, पर अब मेरा मन उदास हो गया था,
उसकी फरमाइश याद आ गयी थी शायद।
आज वो मेरे साथ होती तो,
उस तारे को तोड़कर उसे देता शायद।
यही सब सोच रहा था के बिजली आ गयी,
अन्धकार रोशनी से रूठ गयी थी शायद।
मेरी कहानी का अंत भी कुछ ऐसा ही था,
मेरा आना ही उसकी जाने की वजह थी शायद।
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
शायद (Perhaps-Part V)
मैं यथार्थ से दूर भाग रहा था शायद।
शायद में मेरी ख्वाबों का,
बोहत कुछ झलक रहा था शायद।
शायद क्या है,
मैं यह ढूँढने की कोशिस कर रहा था शायद।
शायद का मेरी जिंदगी से ताल्लुक,
समझने की कोसिस कर रहा था शायद।
सायद की नायीका,
मेरी हकीकते जिंदगी में आ पाती शायद।
शायद की बारात,
मेरी हकीकते जिंदगी को फूलों से भर पाती शायद।
शायद की कहानी,
मेरी हकीकत को कही न कही छूती है शायद।
सायद की नायीका,
मेरे अंतरतम में एक महत्वपूर्ण स्तम्भ है शायद।
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
शायद (Perhaps-Part IV)
बसंत का आगमन था सायद।
भवरे गुनगुना रहे थे,
मनहर राग छेड़ रहे थे सायद।
मेरे दिल की धड़कन अनियंत्रित हुई,
मैं कोई अनहोनी से घबरा रहा था शायद।
कोई उसे मेरी जिंदगी से ले जायेगा,
इसका डर सता रहा था शायद।
वह जिसकी रमा होगी वोह शख्स,
दुनिया का सबसे खुशकिस्मत इंसान होगा शायद।
और मेरा उसको कुछ न कह पाना,
मेरे अमर प्रेम की निसानी होगी शायद।
(The above paragraph is The most liked part of The शायद series)
तभी मुझे लगा मुझसे कोई बेवफाई कर रहा है,
यह मेरा ख़ुद पर शक करना था शायद।
मेरे दिल में एक टीस सी हुई,
यह मेरे दिल का रुकना था शायद।
' रमा ' - wife
' टीस ' - soft sound
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
शायद (Perhaps-Part III)
उसके बारे में ही सोचते होगे शायद।
हकीकत में उससे मुलाकात होती नही क्यों?
यह तुम्हारी ख्वाबों का ही नतीजा है शायद।
वोह हकीकत में सामने आएगी तो?
उससे कुछ कहोगे शायद।
पर हकीकत में उससे नजरे मिलेंगी तो?
उससे कुछ भी कह नही पावोगे शायद।
मुझमे कशमकश क्यों हो रही है?
वोह तुम्हे बहुत चाहती है शायद।
तो कुछ कहने से डर क्यों लगता है?
तुम उसके रूठने से डरते हो शायद।
इतनी देर मैंने दिल से सवाल किया,
उसके हर जवाब में था शायद।
ध्यान से सोचने पर लगा,
हर जवाब वास्तविकता के बहुत करीब था शायद।
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
शायद (Perhaps-Part II)
सूरज की पहली किरण इसकी गवाही दे रही थी शायद।
समझ में नही आया आँख जल्दी खुली क्यों?
यह तो रात की कहानी का अगला पन्ना है शायद.
तुम्हारी खूबसूरती की क्या तारीफ़ करू,
चाँद भी तुमसे रोशनी चुराती है शायद।
तुम्हारे चेहरे की सी रौनक चाँद में कहाँ,
चाँद के चेहरे में तो दाग है शायद।
आज तुम्हारे चेहरे में वो कशीश नही है,
तुम्हारा मन कुछ उदास है शायद।
पर तुम्हारी नज़रों में उतरकर मैंने जब हकीकत से पुछा,
तुम मुझे आजमाने की कोशीस कर रही थी शायद।
धुप और छाव से भी गहरा शम्भंद,
हममे पनप रहा है शायद।
लग रहा है ऐसा के मुझको तो,
तुम्हारी ही धडकनों में बसना है शायद।
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
शायद (Perhaps-Part I)
आंखों से नींद उड़ गयी थी शायद।
पलकें झपकने का नाम नही ले रही थी,
आंखों के आगे अँधेरा छाने का डर था शायद।
उठा बिस्तर से, खोला दरवाजा,
देखा रात अभी बाकी थी शायद।
चांदनी में ओस की बूंदें चमक रही थी,
लग रहा था ऐसा, मोतियों की बरसात हुई थी शायद।
दिल ने सोचा, रात की बेचैनी के कारन,
आँख खुली जल्दी शायद।
बेचैनी क्या थी,
उसकी मृदु मुस्कान की याद थी शायद।
अब आंखों का बंद होना नामुमकिन था,
उसकी मुस्कान का ही असर था शायद।
नसों पर जोड़ देने पर लगा,
ये मेरी दास्ताँ-ऐ-इश्क का असर था शायद।
(C) All Rights Reserved: रोशन उपाध्याय
Monday, November 17, 2008
No Electricity Checklists - Do's and Dont's
2. Charge your Cell Phone, as and when you see some voltage. Carry mobile charger along with you, or if you have couple of those then manage one in office and other at home.
3. If you believe in dressing funky then no problem, but if you think that you need to be well dressed, than Iron your clothes as and when you see some voltage.
4. Don't forget to put the Emergency lights chord plugged in to wall socket. It will help to charge it, if the electricity is there at off hours.
5. If your water system depends on motor, then its sure that you will end up in empty tanks when you require water the most (early morning natures call..hehe). Manage some buckets of water stored for SOS.
6. If you use electrically charged trimmers (and razors never), then do as in STEP 4. Not doing so, you may end up looking nasty, with half trimmed beards or..
7. Pack your rice cookers, coz it will be always inappropriate to cook at off hours.
8. Don't plan to watch television. You will feel bad if you plan, coz when there is electricity at your place, the cable service provider will be in darkness. (Terrestial transmission can be viewed though..)
9. If you have data to be transffered to removable media (CD or USB drives), do it as and when you finish the task. Never wait for morning to come.
10. If you are at office and thinking to make a phone call, then make the call. If electricity is out and ur office don't have any power back up, you will not be able to call from your extension.
11. Don't buy electric blankets or room heaters. They will be of no use. If you have them, better not open up the pack.
12. Gone are the days of mixer grinder/food processors. Buy SILAUTA (grinding stone - can be bought from mahaboudha area, on the way to bhotahity/ason).
13. Ladies if you use hair dryers then think of alternatives or you can go for the age old traditions of using towels (hope you have seen old ladies drying their hair using towel).
15. Don't invest in inverters, coz I doubt you will get enough electricity to charge them.
16. Keep your ears open, as someone may be knocking for hours at your door, and you may miss it because of your habit of attending only to electric calling bells. You can install battery powered call bells, but will be an overhead for changing battery. Also to theft.
17. It will often always be dark in corridors and galli's, so mind about the potholes, pits, garbage, drunkard's laying on the road. Don't use your mobile to lighten you way when you are outside. Someone can beat you up and you can loose it(will be robbed).
18. Don't believe that the constitution will be drafted in 18 months from now. The reason is very simple. When there is no electricity, how can our leaders do their homework to build new constitution.
जब आम जनता लाइ बत्ती छैन, हाम्रा नेता हरुले कसिरी आफ्नु घर माँ बत्ती बालेरा काम गर्ने| नैतिकता ले दिदैना नि| तेहि भएर १० बर्स माँ १०,००० मेगावाट बत्ती उत्पादन हुन्छ , तेश पछि नेता हरु को दिमाग माँ (OOPS!!, घर माँ) बत्ती बल्छ , AND तेश पछी त संबिधान बनी हाल्छ नि| So always be optimistic.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I am back
I am back to blogging after quite long time, more than 1 1/2 yrs .
Wait for new posts!!